Dear Shirley,
You did it, girl! Look at you, out here glowing, thriving, and occupying.

I just wanted to take a moment to give a big shout-out to the strong, fearless, adventurous spirit that resides within you. You, my dear, are an absolute rockstar! So, I’m writing this letter to thank you, my past self, for mustering up the courage to embark on this incredible journey.

Remember how you barely slept and how sick to your stomach you felt the night before you moved to Nairobi. Well, you did it! You took that leap of faith and embraced the unknown with open arms. And let me tell you, it was worth it.

It wasn’t always easy, though, was it? I know you were worried about money, about finding work that you love, about surrounding yourself with the right people. Those moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty have never really left. But guess what? You face everything head-on, armed with determination and resilience. You proved to yourself that you were capable of so much more than you ever imagined.

You’ve conquered downtown Nairobi. You’ve skillfully haggled for produce in a Tanzanian market, despite having little to no understanding of Swahili. You’ve wandered through bustling markets in Addis Ababa, immersing yourself in the vibrant local culture. You’ve navigated challenging situations, like the mix-up with Rwandan Immigration due to a time zone misunderstanding. You fearlessly indulged in tasting raw meat in Ethiopia, expanding your culinary horizons. And most importantly, you’ve shared moments of pure joy and laughter, with friends from across the globe.

Through it all, you’ve grown. You’ve gained a deeper understanding of the world and your place in it. Your horizons have expanded, and your heart has become more compassionate and accepting. You’ve learned that stepping into the unknown is where the magic happens, where you find the most incredible experiences and discover the true essence of who you are.

As you embark on this incredible journey, remember to always trust yourself and your instincts. I can sense that you’re planning something big, you have not been sleeping much and while it may feel daunting, remember all the obstacles you have already conquered. Keep shining, keep exploring, and embrace the unknown with open arms. The world is yours for the taking, and I have no doubt that you will continue to leave your mark on every corner you visit.
With deepest gratitude and admiration,
Your Future Self