Friday, 05th April 2024, Jibu Co launched their partnership with Home Pride Showers Solution live at the Jibu Co Rwanda Head Office, in Kigali.
By utilizing the Jibu franchising model, Jibu aims to make clean water accessible to those in need, foster economic development, and protect the environment through its Foundation jibuntu.
Home pride, a Company that sells bathrooms in the US. It is a blend of 30 years of home improvement experience and having a window into the construction industry through the eyes of the consumer.

Home Pride has offered to support the mission of Jibuntu. With each bathroom they sell, they support 10 households with subsidized Jibu water bottles. This partnership between Jibu and Home Pride develops the promotion of safe drinking water accessibility in underserved communities.
Low income households (earning less than $8 per day) are not able to afford the initial Jibu bottle, this leads to health issues of no access to safe drinking water, and usage of charcoal to boil water. As a solution, through the Home Pride partnership, Jibu will subsidize the bottle to support lower income households. After which, Households will only pay for the water refills.

At the launch of the partnership, 10 households from the Foundation of Youth Future were invited to the Jibu Rwanda Head Office. These deprived families of heroes who fought in the army to liberate the country were provided with free 20L Jibu bottles which will aid them in daily hydration and make it easy for them to buy refills at a lower cost.

“We all feel like our families deserve access to safe drinking water but not everyone can afford the cost of a new 20L Bottle, this is why we take it to heart that Jibu thought of us on this day. As we fight the journey of self development, the government of Rwanda has supported us to live better with our families, and so has Jibu and HomePride, today.” President of the Foundation of Youth Future.
This project will continue with a quarterly selection of underserved households earning less than $8 in one of the operational countries of Jibu, providing them with subsidized bottles, enabling them to access safe drinking water.