Hi there, my name is Shirley.
I love immersing myself into new experiences and when I’m not bungee jumping off 40m cliffs. I spend my time working to create more inclusive systems and products in order to improve the circumstances of Women, Youth and Low income communities.

Last year was extremely difficult, but hey that’s a story for another day and as I wrapped up my role as CEO and Team Leader social enterprise based in Uganda, I started to think hard about how I could create a Better Life for myself.
That’s when a plan was hatched to travel across Africa through 10 countries. Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Senegal, Ghana, and Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire to spend my time volunteering and immersing myself in different social entrepreneurship initiatives .
Here’s where all the fun begins.

In collaboration with Jibu, we are curating a weekly travel blog to take you along with me as I explore the continent. The blog will feature my adventures with my trusted travel companion, a Jibu Bottle that I fondly refer to as Twiggy. We will explore the different social initiatives working to create meaningful impact within their respective communities, we will share with you about the people, the culture, the joy, and pains of a dreamer.
Now that I look back on it, my decision to Travel, Eat better, Exercise more, Learn new things and use my time to be of service is largely inspired by my quest for A Better life.

Don’t miss out Jump on social media and follow the hashtag #ShirleyWasHere and let’s travel together in support of Jibu’s theme for A Better life.
I am excited to see this story unfold for me and for you.
Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Love, light, kisses and a better life
Fantastic, make the most of every opportunity, where’s there’s none, create it! Go Shirley x
Impressive and exciting Shirley!