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Part of striving for #ABetterLife is about setting aside time to reflect and take stock. 

I must admit, as I settled down to think about my half-year review, I went into panic mode. It was one of those debilitating episodes that left me feeling drained and unable to accomplish much.

I have often fallen into the trap of being excessively hard on myself in the past, particularly when it comes to these mid-year evaluations. But this time round instead of dwelling on the “What Ifs,” I made a conscious choice to focus on the remarkable experiences I have encountered as a solo female traveler during the first half of the year.

Now, let’s take a glimpse into what I have managed to accomplish so far:

Matching Service:

In Kenya, I am building the first of its kind Matching Service aimed at connecting young leaders with suitable partners to help them grow and scale their enterprises.

🚀 Startup LaunchPad:

In Nairobi’s vibrant entrepreneurial scene, I work to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with a supportive environment and essential resources to turn their business ideas into reality.

💼 Leadership and Management:

I led and managed the most amazing and diverse crew of 60+ individuals to put on this year’s edition of Nairobi Design Week.

🤝 Volunteering at Sankalp2023:

I volunteered at the largest convening of social actors across Africa.

🎨 Supporting Cultural Practitioners:

In Tanzania, I provided invaluable support to cultural practitioners at #NafasiArtSpace, helping them refine their business plans and strategies.

✋ Sharing the Love for Handmade:

In Ethiopia I explored my passion for preserving traditional craftsmanship and promoting local artisans is a testament to your commitment to sustainable practices and cultural heritage.

🔭 Looking Ahead:

As I embark on the next leg of my journey, I am confident that the second half promises more inspiring moments and immersion into more impactful initiatives.

Here’s what lies ahead:

🌟 Expanding Reach and Collaboration: I’m looking to explore more opportunities and expand across multiple countries, by collaborating with local communities, organizations, and entrepreneurs to amplify my impact.

🌍 Deepening Social Innovation: I hope to dive deeper into social innovation ecosystems, seeking out projects and initiatives that address pressing social challenges and contribute to sustainable development across Africa.

💡 Knowledge Sharing and Mentorship: I would like to explore more avenues to  share my expertise and experiences through mentorship programs, workshops, and speaking engagements, to empower aspiring entrepreneurs and changemakers.

📚 Documenting my Journey: I hope to continue to capture my journey through this amazing collaboration with Jibu that I hope will inspire others to follow in my footsteps and embark on their own meaningful adventures.

As I look back at the first half of this year and my awe-inspiring solo travel journey. 

I celebrate my determination and resolve that sent me on a mission in search of  #ABetterLife I celebrate my courage, dedication, compassion, and the positive impact I strive to create as I journey across Africa.

Quick Tip; As you settle down to work on your Half Year Review, remember to celebrate all your wins big and small and try not to dwell on the not so good experiences , simply learn and keep moving forward.