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Who would have thought that I, the once impulsive spender, would be giving out budgeting tips? My mother will probably have a good laugh when she sees this, recalling all the times I bought whatever I felt like, only to come crying to her for help afterward. But hey, I’ve had my wake-up call! Over the past few months and after taking into account my mother’s countless lectures, I’ve been on a mission to become more intentional about managing my money effectively. 

Traveling is undeniably a life-changing experience, but let’s face it, managing finances can be stressful. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time adventurer, I’ve gathered some handy tips to help you maximize your journeys without emptying your wallet. So, let’s dive in and explore the world on a budget together.

Set a Realistic Budget: Alright, listen up fellow adventurers! Budgeting was not in my vocabulary until I realized just how many very very very many expensive mistakes I was making. Start by listing all your income sources – Yes, you read right I said sources of income because in this economy, you cannot afford to breathe without several gigs. 

Create a detailed budget, including all your travel expenses, from accommodation and transportation to food and fun activities. Oh, and stagger your trips to avoid that overwhelming financial burden.

Research Accommodation Options: I’ll admit it; I love the finer things in life, and that includes my accommodation. But guess what? I’ve found some amazing deals by simply reaching out to friends and checking expat group pages. Trust me; they have a treasure trove of discounted accommodation options to save you some shillings. 

Cook Your Meals: Cooking? Is usually the last thing on my mind because my cooking skills are subpar, but boy, eating out adds up! So, I’ve embraced the local grocery stalls for affordable produce, after which I throw whatever I can into a pot and stir till it looks edible, I’m still alive No? 

If you can attend as many networking events that serve complimentary food and drinks as you can, these are definitely a lifesaver for my taste buds and my budget.

Prioritize Free and Low-Cost Activities: Parks have become my go-to place, and guess what? Many of them in Nairobi offer subsidized entry fees – a win-win for both my wallet and my love for green spaces. Embrace free walking tours, museum days, and local events to have a blast without spending a fortune.

Use Travel Rewards and Loyalty Programs: I’ve become the ultimate points collector! If there’s a travel reward program, I’m in, and I’ve signed up for loyalty programs too. It’s amazing how those points add up and turn into discounted or cashback rewards.

Stay Flexible: I have learned not to get attached to certain things and by learning to go with the flow I have found some fantastic deals and savings. 

So there you have it, my tips and tricks for managing finances. Happy travels! 🎉✈️🌍💰