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Jibu Zambia opened its doors to the people of Lusaka Zambia in December 2019.  The 20L Jibu tap bottle was a hit right away as there was nothing similar on the market.  It has effortlessly been assimilated into small businesses, large office spaces, homes, and a variety of settings. The innovation of the tap bottle has made drinking clean & pure water a more accessible part of daily life in Zambia.

Through a series of activations, campaigns, and even word of mouth we’ve educated people on the benefits of drinking clean purified water. The taste of the water has also been enough to convince hesitant consumers about how much better clean water is compared to boiled unpurified water.

Jibu Zambia is now growing its franchise network and has awarded three territories to 3 entrepreneurs.
One of whom has been eligible to apply for a delivery tool under the KIVA program.  Jibu Zambia is truly creating a “Better Life” for its customers and aspiring entrepreneurs.